Web tools

Web services and consulting
Use our services to support activities in your local community. Get in touch safely with the rest of the world.

    Your free NOSTR Address: simply send us your public key (npub) and pick a username, your address will be like you@movelink.me. A true, professional looking identity so people can find your verified profile and make sure at a glance that the contents you publish are genuinely yours. Get your free, unbreakable, unique IDentity (keep safe your private key!) and publish your contents on a decentralized, censorship-resistant Nostr client. You are not required to provide any personal details for this service.
    Free consulting on privacy oriented tools.
    Our free forums to discuss and get informed.

Your professional email address
An email address in the same format as your Nostr NIP-05 identity (Nostr address) is also a viable option with a small contribution to the cost of the service. The very same you@movelink.me account to send and receive emails using an installed client on a PC (e.g. Thunderbird, excellent free tool) or on a browser via webmail (optimized for desktop or smartphone) or via dedicated app installed on your smartphone. In this case you are required to provide (personally to us) a valid ID document or a previously registered (and tracked) email, since the user of a centralized service is to be held responsible in front of the law in the Country of the provider (silly but true).

Show your business here
Send us one or more high resolution images with your logo, data, useful pictures. If eligible, we will display an 3:1 image, plus a title and caption illustrating your business. All for free! We like to promote small businesses and freedom of enterprise for freedom lovers.
Let your banner be more visible spanning on a larger portion of the available space with a small contrubution to the cause.
Don't forget to tell us if you are Bitcoin friendly.
For free: 25 characters for the title, 100 characters for the caption. Do the math here.