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20/02/2024 Manifesto

- We are here to help preserve individual freedom (non aggressive self ownership), life and private property


circular economy:
- stay home, cultivate what suits you, your family, ethnicity, local culture, religion and universal values
- homeschooling
- grow your own food
- cultivation and breeding
- seed library or "seedoteque", fertilized eggs etc...
- time exchange, volunteering...
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04/02/2024 The dolomites

The Dolomites. This is where jagged pinnacles of rock soar into the sky, mountain huts and cabins dot the green, rolling hills, cable cars whisk hikers and skiers to the highest mountain peaks, and hiking trails connect small hamlets and towns.

The Dolomites. This is where jagged pinnacles of rock soar into the sky, mountain huts and cabins dot the green, rolling hills, cable cars whisk hikers and skiers to the highest mountain peaks, and hiking trails connect small hamlets and towns.

The Dolomites. This is where jagged pinnacles of rock soar into the sky,
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20/01/2024 Denationalisation of money
Nobel laureate F. A. Hayek (1899-1992) was one of the world's leading free-market economists and social philosophers. 
In this excerpt from an 1984 interview, Hayek warns us that state and money need to be separated in order to prevent the disaster of monetary policy set by the central planners. He anticipates that it would require some "round-about way" to create something, a money that "they can't stop"...
Hayek wrote books such as "The Road To Serfdom" and "Denationalization of Money" which are fundamental to anyone who seeks to understand economics,
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14/01/2024 Books
Allen Farrington & Sacha Meyers:
"₿ITCOIN IS VENICE - Esseys on the past and future of capitalism"
Foreword by Alex Gladstein
By the way, the symbol "&" used on the frontpage of this book, and the "@" also, were invented and adopted by Venetian merchants our ancestors in pursuance of productivity, for faster notation in their accounting  books.
