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20/02/2024 Posting from a cellphone

Another note sent from a cellphone while on the field.
Smooth operation, although formatting options here are limited.

04/02/2024 From a cellphone
We're postig this from a cellphone, let's see...
Another line of plain text. Pretty convenient also when we want to copy/paste some content from NOSTR on the fly.

04/02/2024 The dolomites

The Dolomites. This is where jagged pinnacles of rock soar into the sky, mountain huts and cabins dot the green, rolling hills, cable cars whisk hikers and skiers to the highest mountain peaks, and hiking trails connect small hamlets and towns.

The Dolomites. This is where jagged pinnacles of rock soar into the sky, mountain huts and cabins dot the green, rolling hills, cable cars whisk hikers and skiers to the highest mountain peaks, and hiking trails connect small hamlets and towns.

The Dolomites. This is where jagged pinnacles of rock soar into the sky,
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03/02/2024 Beaches
Bečići - Winner of the 1935 Grand Prix in Paris, when it was crowned the title of the most beautiful beach in Europe
Velika - Quite literally a ‘Big Beach’, the biggest one to be found in Montenegro, it features almost 8 miles (12 kilometers) of fine sand.
Murići - This 500-meter beach is located by the dreamy Lake Skadar under the protection of UNESCO. What’s most captivating about is an absolute lack of hustle and bustle
Bečići - Winner of the 1935 Grand Prix in Paris,
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20/01/2024 Denationalisation of money
Nobel laureate F. A. Hayek (1899-1992) was one of the world's leading free-market economists and social philosophers. 
In this excerpt from an 1984 interview, Hayek warns us that state and money need to be separated in order to prevent the disaster of monetary policy set by the central planners. He anticipates that it would require some "round-about way" to create something, a money that "they can't stop"...
Hayek wrote books such as "The Road To Serfdom" and "Denationalization of Money" which are fundamental to anyone who seeks to understand economics,
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14/01/2024 Books
Allen Farrington & Sacha Meyers:
"₿ITCOIN IS VENICE - Esseys on the past and future of capitalism"
Foreword by Alex Gladstein
By the way, the symbol "&" used on the frontpage of this book, and the "@" also, were invented and adopted by Venetian merchants our ancestors in pursuance of productivity, for faster notation in their accounting  books.


12/01/2024 600 years ago

The Little Ice Age Began

At the start of the 14th century, global temperatures dropped by around 2°C. In a world still held back by a lack of technological progression at the end of the Middle Ages, this was life-changing. Throw in a devastating plague, countless military conquests throughout Europe and extremely high levels of global poverty and you’ve got a recipe for disaster.

There are several reasons suggested to be the cause of this
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12/01/2024 Tests

Some text H1

Some text H2

Some text H3


03/01/2024 Fifty years ago

1974-2024: fifty years of Manfrotto
In 1974, Lino Manfrotto produced the first tripod in Basan de 'l Grapa - Vicença - Venetia.

03/01/2024 One hundred years ago

In those years, photographer Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii (1863-1944) undertook a photographic survey of the Russian Empire with the support of Tsar Nicholas II. He used a specialized camera to capture three black and white images in fairly quick succession, using red, green and blue filters, allowing them to later be recombined and projected with filtered lanterns to show near true color images.

Prokudin-Gorskii used a camera that exposed one oblong glass plate three times in rapid succession through three different color filters: blue, green, and red. For
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